Origins of Acredita CI
Acredita CI is an Agency committed to quality assurance processes in higher education, putting at your disposal 16 years of experience in the development of these processes and nearly 600 accredited programs and master’s programs in the Areas of Technology, Administration and Commerce, Sciences and Natural Resources.
The Agency was born under the eaves of the Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile in 2006, designed as the necessary step to help strengthen its strategic objectives, among which are:
- «Promote the development of Engineering and the progress, prestige and prerogatives of the engineering profession»;
- «Ensure the correct use of the engineer voice in the issuance of professional titles»;
- «Contribute to the academic training of engineers»;
- «Ensure discipline and compliance by its members with the ethical principles of the School, established in the Code of Ethics of the School».