It is a multilateral agreement between organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean, responsible for the accreditation of engineering programs within their jurisdiction.
The Lima Accord was signed on September 6, 2016 in the city of Lima, Peru and the founding members are:
- Agencia Acreditadora Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile (Acredita CI S.A.).
- Agencia de Acreditación de Programas de Ingeniería y de Arquitectura (AAPIA), Costa Rica.
- Caribbean Accreditation Council of Engineering and Technology (CACET).
- Consejo de Acreditación de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería Superior, A.C. (CACEI), México.
- Instituto de Calidad y Acreditación de Programas de Computación, Ingeniería y Tecnología (ICACIT), Perú.
- Sistema Nacional de Evaluación, Acreditación y Certificación de la Calidad Educativa (SINEACE), Perú.
The signatory members undertake to develop and recognize good practices in engineering education and have decided to work together for this, verifying the substantial equivalence of the programs through accreditation, which will be recognized by the signatory members with the aim of facilitate student and professional mobility through mutual recognition of engineer education.
Affiliation to the Accord is voluntary, limited to the context of Latin America and the Caribbean and the admission of new members will require the approval of two-thirds of the signatory members of the Agreement, upon formal request for membership.
- Recognize the substantial equivalence of the quality of the engineering programs accredited by the signatory members of the Accord.
- Facilitate the mobility of professionals and the mutual recognition of the degrees of engineers.