Technology based Engineering and Technical Council

Mr. Santiago Fernández

Civil Engineer from the Universidad Central de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba. Doctor in Technical Sciences at the same University. He was Head of Department of Structures and Teaching Vice Dean and Vice Dean of Investigations and Postgraduates in said house of studies. Since 2001 he has been Director of Careers in the Construction Area at INACAP Renca, Chile. His area of expertise is in the investigation of the «behavior of reinforced concrete elements subjected to flexure before cracking, with analysis of the factors that most influence this phenomenon and its evaluation, taking into account different international standards and criteria.» He has been an outstanding evaluator of Acredita CI and has participated in a series of training workshops as a peer reviewer. He has led the development of self-assessment processes for accreditation in INACAP.

Mr. Renzo Piazze

Mr. Piazze received his Construction Engineer degree from the Federico Santa María Technical University (UTFSM) in 2000, and his Master in Management of Construction and Real Estate Companies from the University of Chile and Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2005. He was head of the Technician in Construction career at the Viña del Mar Headquarter of the UTFSM from 2003 to 2005, Headquarters Counselor from 2005 to 2012, and Director of the Department of Construction and Risk Prevention from 2008 to 2012. With extensive experience as a peer evaluator since the beginning of the system in Chile, he has participated in more than 40 career accreditation processes in his area of expertise. He is currently in charge of surveying construction profiles and an instructor for the Chilean Chamber of Construction and MINEDUC consultant. He is an institutional evaluator of the National Accreditation Commission and director of Linkage with the Environment of the Viña del Mar Campus of the USM.

Mr. José Luis Pérez

Industrial Civil Engineer from Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Sciences, Industrial Administrator and Technical Academic in Instrumentation and Industrial Automation at the same University. Master in Industrial Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He was Member of ISA – International Society of measurement and control, also Member of COCHILCO – and Member of the Circle of Graduates of MII – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He has been a professor at the Technological Faculty of Universidad de Santiago de Chile since 1992. Expert in Instrumentation and Control, he has specialized in the area in the United States. He is an authorized professional for manipulation of radioactive equipment. He has been an evaluator of Acredita CI, with an outstanding participation in the process of accreditation of careers. He currently holds the position of Vice Dean of the Technological Faculty of the University of Santiago de Chile.

Ms. Margarita Peña

Chemical Engineer, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1985. Bachelor of Applied Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2010. Quality Assurance Diploma, Instituto Profesional Duoc UC, 2017. Digital leadership in senior management program, Digital transformation committee, The Valley Digital Business School, 2019. Quality Assurance and continual improvement analyst, IT and telecommunications department, Duoc UC. Since 2011. Member of the Sciences Council of Acredita CI. Since 2015. Member of the Technology-based engineering and technical programs Council of Acredita CI. Since 2021. Peer Evaluator of Higher Education Institutions, Comisión Nacional de Acreditación CNA-Chile, since 2021.

Ms. Mónica Brevis

Electrical Engineering from Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso. 1998. MBA Master Business Administration from Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile. 2011. Master in Energy Management and Renewable Sources at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico. 2015. Diploma in Corporate Governance at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 2022. Monica was the first Head of the Technical Education Unit, within the Higher Education Division at the Chilean Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), (2018 – 2022) lead the design and implementation process of a Qualification Framework for the technical sector; to create a National Advisory Council, joining together public and private sectors, to guide the needs of technical training, improving pertinence and quality; to create 15 public VET Institutions (CFT – Centros de Formación Técnica), and to lead the design and implementation process of an Entry System for Technical Higher Education, among others. She was Director in ChileValora, the National System of Certification of Labor Competences. Director of the State Technical Training Center of the Metropolitan Region. She served as National Director of the Electricity and Electronics Area of Professional Institute INACAP, as well as Head of career. She has been in charge of the self-assessment processes of the careers under her charge at INACAP and was an evaluator for Acredita CI from 2010 to 2018, where she has participated as chair of the committee in accreditation processes.

Ms. Sonia Zavando

Master in Information Technology and Electronic Civil Engineer from Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Higher Education Management Diploma from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Business Administration Diploma from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. With more than 30 years of professional experience, she has worked in Higher Education for the last 20 years. At the beginning of her career, she worked developing software for telecommunications companies, after which she specialized in planning, management and evaluation of technological innovation projects, e-learning, vocational education, process improvement and quality assurance. Currently, she is Director of Career Services Center & Alumni Relations Office at INACAP and, in addition, she is peer evaluator for the institutional accreditation of the National Accreditation Commission (CNA), member of the Fondef Education and Social Sciences Committee of the National Research and Development Agency (ANID) and project evaluator of R+D+i for EQA, Spain. Before that, she was Director of the Secondary Education Support Center at INACAP, Head of the Innovation Department of Ministry of Education and Director of Technological Solutions at Universidad de las Americas.

Wilson González

Wilson Antonio González Rojas, Electric Engineer, Master in Education mentioning curriculum and evaluation. His professional work has been developed in the industry and the academy. In the industry in companies from the mining sector such as CODELCO, developing technical works and advising on his specialty in other companies. The experience in the academic area is extensive and it is always associated with the University of Atacama, Atacama region. He began as an academic, then as Head of the Industrial Instrumentation and Automation Technologist Program and finally as Director of the Department of Energy Technology of the Technological Faculty of the University of Atacama. Constantly and concurrently to the practicing of these positions and with the aim to achieve the learning objectives in the best way, he worked on linking with the environment and with the mining industry, energy generation and aquaculture sector, materialized through agreements of mutual support, which turns into technical visits, practices and insertion with the community. He actively participates in the Curriculum Committee for the creation of programs in: Execution Engineering in Instrumentation and Industrial Automation; Execution Engineering in Electricity; all corresponding to the University of Atacama. He participates as the Head of the Curriculum Committee for the Renovation and Curriculum Update, focusing in the competences of the Technologists in Instrumentation and Industrial Automation, and Technologist in Electricity Programs. As a relevant work, the development as evaluator peer before ACREDITA CI stands out, an instance that allowed him to actively participate in the accreditation processes of several programs of higher education institutions since 2010.