Standard of Behavior

Acredita CI requires the highest behavior standards from its directors and employees and from the external professionals that participate in the evaluation and accreditation processes of programs and degrees of the Higher Education that are entrusted to this Agency. All those who participate in such processes on behalf of Acredita CI shall subscribe the texts of the Policy of Conflict of Interests and the Code of Ethics that are shown next. Acredita CI requires an ethical behavior by each one of the members of its organization and the external professionals involved in the execution of the mission of Acredita CI. The organization requires that each member of it and each external professional show the highest standards of professionalism, honesty and integrity. The services rendered by Acredita CI require quality, impartiality, equanimity and efficiency. Acredita CI will only use staff of its own and external professionals who are suitable to fulfill the different functions that this Agency must carry out.

If you have the impression that any of those involved in the Acredita CI processes have violated the Conflicts of Interest Policy or the Code of Conduct, please send a formal complaint letter to Acredita CI SA, Santa María Av. 0506, floor 2, Providencia, Santiago; or to the mail